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ARINC-825 CANaerospace Interface (CANflight)

CANflight is an embedded realtime control system for the use in aeronautical applications. CANflight units communicate through two fully independent, optically-isolated CAN/ARINC825/CANaerospace interfaces. The CANflight hardware uses a Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA with two independent Microblaze processors. The CAN 2.0B interfaces are implemented with licensed Bosch C_CAN controllers. The Xilinx FPGAs and the CANflight firmware provide local buffering and 60 ns time stamp resolution. High precision time synchronization of CAN messages is accomplished through an IRIG-B time code input providing 1 µs resolution.

Different housing variants available.

ARINC-825 CANaerospace Interface (CANflight)

SKU: 15100-031
Excluding Sales Tax

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